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자유게시판 | 외국의 마이다스(초등용 다중지능) 검사 사용 사례

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일09-04-15 20:59 조회1,760회 댓글0건


외국의 마이다스(초등용 다중지능 ) 검사 사용 사례 | 다중지능검사
MIDAS Chinese Translation(중국)
Profession Wu-Tien Wu of National Taiwan Normal University continues to work with the Psychological Publishing Company in Taipei, Taiwan on the translation of the MIDAS into both traditional and simplified Chinese language. He estimates that it will be ready for publication this summer. www.psy.com.tw/ or email: [email protected]
MIDAS in the UK (영국)
Meanwhile in England.Mike Fleetham is now pilot testing his CD-ROM version of the MIDAS that is being used by teachers in elementary schools. For more information: I look forward to seeing the results of this project. www.aspiroweb.co.uk
MIDAS in Ireland (아일랜드)
In October last year I spent over a week in Ireland sharing information about MI and The MIDAS assessment at the National College of Ireland  and Waterford Institute of Technology.
Special thanks to my hosts on the green isle. I enjoyed a few extra days driving on the wrong side of the road around Ireland. Plans are underway now for me to present on the career counseling implications of the MIDAS profile to the Institute of Guidance Counselors at their annual conference in Dublin in March. www.docshop.ie/agm/Index.htm
MIDAS Persian Translation(페르시아)
A researcher in Iran has recently completed her masters program where she translated and administered the Teen-MIDAS to university students. A second student will continue with this research in 2005.
MIDAS Malaysian Translation(말레이지아)
Professor Suan Yoong has created a validated MIDAS.BM translation for use in Malaysia. He hopes to create a national database in the near future. I have been pleased to note that there is a LOT of interest in implementing MI in this country and I will be returning there to conduct a second series of MIDAS workshops.
MIDAS Arabic Translation(아랍)
Several researchers in Jordan, Egypt, and Lebanon have created Arabic translations that are being validated with various age groups at this time. See contact information below.
MIDAS.DK Training in Denmark(덴마크)
Teachers at Production Schools in Denmark continue to receive training in using and understanding their students' MIDAS.DK profiles. The people at MI- Danmark have created a beautiful MIDAS.DK CD-ROM that students use to take the assessment in Danish. http://www.mi danmarl.dk/
Osman Nafiz Kaya in Ankara, Turkey. [email protected]
Romania. (로마)
Sorin-Avram, Virtop; Enhancing Motivation Using Multiple Intelligences In Romania; [email protected]
Spentzou, Mania; Creating a Greek Translation of MIDAS_KIDS; [email protected].


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